Overview & Launch of the Southeast Asia Hub

The First GHHIN Southeast Asia Heat Health Forum took place from 7-10 January 2025 in Singapore, convening 250 experts from diverse sectors and launching the regional Southeast Asia Hub. Looking ahead, the regional Southeast Asia Hub aims to forge strategic partnerships and initiate efforts in research and capacity building, translating science into actionable strategies and solutions, and enhancing information sharing and communication.

Forum Highlights

The Forum fostered dialogue on the unique aspects of Southeast Asia’s heat challenge, and the importance of contributions from researchers, policymakers, and individuals from the region, emphasizing the need to synchronize efforts to formulate effective solutions. Key thematic areas included Urban Heat, Heat at Work, and Traditional & Cultural Heat Management Practices. Engaging discussions emerged around the significance of traditional and cultural practices and the critical role of media and communications in tackling heat-health issues.

Watch the videos to see the highlights!

Outcome Documents


Session Recordings

Disclaimer: These presentations aim to inspire dialogue and reflection. We appreciate if viewers keep an open and analytical perspective as presentation contents represent the speaker's views and interpretations. We encourage viewers to approach the content critically, referencing reliable sources for comparison and accuracy.

Day 1: Urgency

Opening & Launch Ceremony

Insights: The Global Heat Health Information Network’s Journey & Future Vision

Expert Roundtable: Policy & Action

Community Voices

Keynote: The Urban Heat Challenge

Insights: Future Climate Change Projections for Southeast Asia

Panel Presentation: Urban Heat: Addressing Vulnerabilities & Enhancing Adaptation

Day 2: Impacts and Solutions Day

Keynote: Heat at work: Navigating Occupational Heat Stress

Expert Roundtable: Regional Insights and Action to address Occupational Heat Stress

Panel Presentation: Heat at work: Exertional Heat Stress, Productivity & Performance

Parallel Session 1A: Women & Children

Parallel Session 1B: Older Adults, Chronic Conditions, & Disabilities

Parallel Session 1C: Mental Health, Decision-making, & Learning

Parallel Session 2A: Heat-resilient Cities & Indoor Environments

Parallel Session 2B: Heat-responsive Health Services & Surveillance System

Parallel Session 2C: Risk Communications & Media

Day 3: Strategy Day

Community Voices

Keynote: Extreme Heat Services & Early Warning Systems

Insights: Early Warning: Climate Knowledge and Services for Early Action

Panel Presentation: What does Heat Governance & Heat Action Plans look like for our region

IFRC Side Event: Beat the Heat - Building Heat Resilience through Innovations and Community Engagement

Day 4: Action Day

Keynote: Protecting Communities: Increasing Outreach & Fostering Action for Heat

Panel Presentation: Heat from a Historical, Traditional, & Cultural Lens

Expert Roundtable: Taking a Multi Hazard Emergency Management Approach to Extreme Heat

Panel Presentation: Regional Research Showcase: Capacity Building in and for the Region

Closing Remarks