Overview & Launch of the Southeast Asia Hub
The First GHHIN Southeast Asia Heat Health Forum took place from 7-10 January 2025 in Singapore, convening 250 experts from diverse sectors and launching the regional Southeast Asia Hub. Looking ahead, the regional Southeast Asia Hub aims to forge strategic partnerships and initiate efforts in research and capacity building, translating science into actionable strategies and solutions, and enhancing information sharing and communication.
Forum Highlights
The Forum fostered dialogue on the unique aspects of Southeast Asia’s heat challenge, and the importance of contributions from researchers, policymakers, and individuals from the region, emphasizing the need to synchronize efforts to formulate effective solutions. Key thematic areas included Urban Heat, Heat at Work, and Traditional & Cultural Heat Management Practices. Engaging discussions emerged around the significance of traditional and cultural practices and the critical role of media and communications in tackling heat-health issues.
Watch the videos to see the highlights!
Outcome Documents
Day 1: Urgency Day
- Welcome Address
- Professor Chong Yap Seng, Dean, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
- Insights The Global Heat Health Information Network’s Journey & Future Vision
- Advancing Global Heat Resilience - Dr Joy Shumake-Guillemot, Co-founder and Co-Chair of Global Heat Health Information Network; and Lead of WHO - WMO Joint Office for Climate & Health
- Glohal Heat Health Information Network Southeast Asia Hub - Assoc Prof Jason Lee, Chair of GHHIN Southeast Asia Hub; and Director of Heat Resilience & Performance Centre, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS
- Community Voices
- Ms Ishma F. Soepriadi, Country Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (DMERL) Lead, American Red Cross - Indonesia Delegation
- Keynote: The Urban Heat Challenge: Innovations, Strategies, and Resilience for Sustainable Cities
- Prof Winston Chow, Prof of Urban Climate of Singapore Management University (SMU); and Co-Chair of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Insights Future Climate Change Projections for Southeast Asia
- Dr Aurel Moise, Head of Department, Centre for Climate Research Singapore
- Panel Presentation Urban Heat: Addressing Vulnerabilities & Enhancing Adaptation
- Beating the Heat: Reducing Health-inequalities under Climate Change in Hong Kong - Assoc Prof Ren Chao, Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- Urban Heat: Vulnerable Communities and Service Adaptation - Mr Benjamin William, Secretary General, Singapore Red Cross
- Shaping a Heat-Resilient City - Mr Chiu Wen Tung, Group Director (Research & Development), Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)
- Cooling people with air movement - Prof Stefano Schiavon, Professor, Architecture and Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
- Keynote: Heat at work: Navigating Occupational Heat Stress
- Dr Ken C. Shawa, Senior Economist & Head of Regional and Economic Analysis Unit (RESA), Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Expert Roundtable Regional Insights and Action to address Occupational Heat Stress
- Panel Presentation Heat at work: Exertional Heat Stress, Productivity & Performance
- Heat Stress Management in Sports - Ms Delphine Fong, Division Head, Sport Safety, Sport Singapore
- Novel practical body cooling techniques and wearable measurements for core temperature in occupational heat exposure - Dr Ken Tokizawa, Senior Researcher, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan (JNIOSH)
- Economic impacts of climate change- related health risks - Prof Cai Wenjia, Professor, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University
- Considerations for developing a national Occupational Heat Exposure Standard and Guideline for implementation - Dr Thomas Gassert, Instructor in Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- The health impacts of climate change on informal outdoor workers in urban Vietnam - Dr Anh Ngoc Vu, Research Director, Climate Change Lead, Project Lead £1.3million Wellcome Trust funded project 'The health impacts of climate change on precarious outdoor workers in megacities in Vietnam', National Centre for Social Research (United Kingdom)
- Parallel Session 1
People, Health, & Livelihoods
- 1A: Women & Children
- BEAT the Heat for Children: An Overview and Recommendations - Dr Mrunal Shetye, Chief of Health, UNICEF Indonesia
- How high heat impacts childhood physical activity, fitness, literacy, and its lifelong health implications - Dr Shawnda Morrison, Senior Research Fellow, Human Potential Translational Research Programme, National University of Singapore (NUS)
- #BeatTheHeat: RCRC Youth-led Climate Solutions - Ms Michelle Shi Jie Chew, Chairperson of IFRC Youth Commission, Malaysian Red Crescent Society; IFRC Global Youth Commission
- 1B: Older adults, Chronic Conditions & Disabilities
- A Hot Topic: Medication-Induced Risks for Older Adults in the Heat - Mr Jericho Wee, PhD Candidate, Human Potential Translational Research Programme, National University of Singapore (NUS)
- Higher heat impact on people with disabilities in South Korea: How to make policy more inclusive? - Ms. Jinah Park, PhD Student, Public Health Sciences, Seoul National University
- The development and pilot testing of an individualised heat early warning system in Queensland, Australia - Dr Zhiwei Xu, Research Fellow, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Griffith University
- 1C: Mental health, Decision-making, & Learning
- Connecting Climate Minds: Protecting Mental Health in an Era of a Warming Planet- Assoc Prof Renzo Guinto, Committee on Environmental Health and Ecology, Philippine Medical Association; Member, National Panel of Technical Experts, Climate Change Commission, Philippines
- Climate anxiety, ecological grief, and the increasing incidence of mental health conditions: How are we prepared to respond to the climate related mental health and psychosocial impact? - Dr Eliza Yee Lai CHEUNG, Lead, Asia Pacific MHPSS Collaborative, IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Office
- Climate in Mind: Navigating the Psychological Impact of a Changing Environment - Dr Cyrus Ho Su Hui, Assistant Professor and Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of Psychological Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS)
- 1A: Women & Children
- Parallel Session 2
Challenges & Strategies for Heat Resilience
- 2A. Heat-resilient Cities & Indoor Environments
- Climate Modelling and Analytics for Urban Heat Risks Mitigation and Adaptation – Assoc Prof Yuan Chao, Associate Professor, NUS Cities, National University of Singapore (NUS)
- Unlocking the Potential of Private Sector Innovation in Microclimate Monitoring - Mr Joseph Deng, Head of Business Development, APAQ Group
- Design Guidelines for Healthy and Climate Resilient Affordable Housing - Mr Ashok B Lall, Principal of Ashok B Lall Architects; and Network Changemaker of Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN)
- Learning the ins and outs of heat stress: The Resilience 4 Communities program in Melaka, Malaysia - Asst Prof Perrine Hamel, Assistant Professor, Asian School of the Environment, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
- 2B. Heat-responsive Health Services & Surveillance System
- Heat, Health and Health Systems - Ms Sally Edwards, Coordinator, Health and the Environment (HAE), Division of Healthy Environments and Populations, WHO-Western Pacific Region (WPRO)
- Heat Exposure and Human Health in Vietnam: Impacts, Vulnerabilities, Challenges, and Heat-Responsive Health Strategies - Dr Tran Nu Quy Linh, Senior Research Officer, School of Public Health, University of Queensland, Australia
- Heat surveillance and warning system in Korea: An Overview of Strategy and Implementation - Prof Ho Kim, Professor, Public Health Sciences, Seoul National University
- 2C. Risk Communications & Media
- Communicating the causes and risks of global heating: What is the role of the media? - Ms Amy Sim, Regional Program Manager for Asia-Pacific (Environment), Internews' Earth Journalism Network
- From Urban Heat to Climate Solutions: Engaging Citizens for Change - Dr Samuel Chng, Research Assistant Professor, Urban Psychology Lab, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
- What lies behind public perceptions of risk and why do their perceptions matter? - Dr Olivia Jensen, Deputy Director and Lead Scientist (Environment and Climate), Lloyd's Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk, National University of Singapore (NUS)
- 2A. Heat-resilient Cities & Indoor Environments
- Community Voices
- Dr Jaya Shreedhar, Senior Health Media Advisor, Internews
- Ms Paritta Wangkiat, Mekong Program Officer, Internews' Earth Journalism Network
- Keynote: Extreme Heat Services & Early Warning Systems
- Dr John Nairn, Senior Advisor Extreme Heat (retired), World Meteorological Organization
- Insights Early Warning: Climate Knowledge and Services for Early Action
- Dr Rupa Kumar Kolli, Honorary Scientist, International Monsoons Project Office (IMPO), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)
- Panel Presentation: What does Heat Governance & Heat Action Plans look like for our region
- Heat Planning and Resilience in the US - Ms Juli Trtanj, Climate and Health Program Director and One Health Lead, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Heat Risk Assessment and the Process of Developing the Simplified Early Action Protocol for Heatwaves in Myanmar - Ms Moe Thida Win, Director, Disaster Management, Myanmar Red Cross Society
- Heat Action Plans and Heat Governance in India - Mr Abhiyant Tiwari, Lead - Climate Resilience and Health, India Program, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- IFRC Side Event
- Stay Cool, Stay Prepared - Ms Sahari Ani
- Strengthening Community Adaptation to Urban Heat in Hong Kong - Ms Eva Yeung
- Keynote: Protecting Communities: Increasing Outreach & Fostering Action for Heat
- Dr Gwendolyn Pang, Secretary General, Philippine Red Cross
- Panel Presentation Heat from a Historical, Traditional, & Cultural Lens
- Heat and Health in Chinese History - Dr Christopher Courtney, Associate Professor (Modern Chinese History), Durham University
- Our heaty Earth needs cooling tea - A peek into TCM culture - Physician Brandon Yew, Partner / Senior TCM Physician, Real Health Medical Pte Ltd
- Why Heritage Conservation is Considered Green Development - Drawing examples from George Town World Heritage Site - Ms Lim Gaik Siang, Immediate Past President, Penang Heritage Trust
- Expert Roundtable Taking a Multi-Hazard Emergency Management Approach to Extreme Heat
- Dr Sanjay Srivastava, Chief, Disaster Risk Reduction, ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) (Slides)
- Dr Luis C. Rodriguez, Thematic Lead, Climate and Resilience; Health, Disasters, Climate and Crises, IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Office (Slides)
- Prof Benjamin Horton, Director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore, Professor at the Asian School of the Environment, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) (Slides)
- Panel Presentation Regional Research Showcase: Capacity Building in and for the Region
- Institutionalizing climate resilience in higher education institutions - Prof Yodi Mahendradhata, Dean for Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Heat health study at Mahidol University, Thailand - Asst Prof Juthamard Surapongchai, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Mahidol University
- Building resilience to extreme heat and hot weather across the human lifespan - Prof Ollie Jay, Professor of Heat and Health, University of Sydney
- Closing Remarks
- Assoc Prof Jason Lee, Chair of GHHIN Southeast Asia Hub; and Director of Heat Resilience & Performance Centre, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS
- Welcome Address
- Effect modification of particulate matter air pollution on heat-related mortality in five provinces of Thailand: a two-stage time-series study - Assoc Prof Yoonhee Kim, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Intersectional vulnerabilities and strategies to address climate-related occupational health and safety risks in Tanzanian seaweed workers - Dr Dorothy Ngajilo, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Assessing a decision-support tool for urban heat mitigation in Southeast Asia - Dr Emma Ramsay, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Weather-connected tolerance as a heat management strategy in Singapore - Dr Joshua Dao-Wei Sim, National University of Singapore
- Outdoor Heat Perception and Adaptive Behaviors in Semi-Urban Communities: Insights from a Longitudinal Study in Malaysia - Dr Min Thu, South East Asia Community Observatory (SEACO)
- Investigation of Heat-stroke Deaths at a Mass Gathering Event, District A, India, April 2023 - Dr Nivethitha N Krishnan, National Centre for Disease Control, Delhi, India
- From Policy to Practice: India's Heat-Health Response Journey under National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health - Dr Purvi Patel, National Centre for Disease Control, Delhi, India
- The Paradox of Aircon Reliance in The Urban Tropics - Dr Sarah Chan, Singapore University of Technology and Design
- Impact of heatwave timing on dengue fever infection in four South and Southeast Asian countries: A modelling study - Dr Yawen Wang, The University of Hong Kong
- Urban Heat and Health Vulnerabilities in Mumbai - Mr Rakesh Ravikumar, Tarutium Global Consulting
- High levels of heat stress will become the norm in Southeast Asia - Ms Sonali Manimaran, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Building Resilience: Occupational Health for Agricultural Workers in a Changing Climate - Prof Efi Yuliati Yovi, IPB University, Bandung, Indonesia
- Mitigating Urban Heat and Its Health Impacts through Green Space: Insights from Vietnam - Tran Ngoc Dang & Nguyen Thien Minh, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 国大医学院研究中心获国际认可 成全球高温健康信息网络区域中心 - Lianhe Zaobao (January 7, 2025)
- 本地设立首个全球高温健康信息网络东南亚中心 助于区域共享资讯 - 8world (January 7, 2025)
- S'pura lancar hab rangkaian maklumat kesihatan haba global, tekankan kerjasama serantau - Berita Harian (January 7, 2025)
- தென்கிழக்காசியாவில் முதல் அனைத்துலக வெப்பச் சுகாதாரத் தகவல் கட்டமைப்பு நடுவம் - சிங்கப்பூரில்.. - Tamil Seithi (January 7, 2025)
- தென்கிழக்காசியாவில் வெப்பத் தாக்கத்தைக் கையாளும் புதிய முயற்சி - Tamil Murasu (January 7, 2025)
- NUS-based hub to build a regional network that can respond to South-east Asia’s heat problem- The Straits Times (January 8, 2025)
- ‘Heat stress is a silent killer’: How heat can affect mental health in workers - The Straits Times (January 9, 2025)
- Forum Health Heat Asia Tenggara Digelar di Singapura: Soroti Dampak Cuaca Panas Ekstrem - Kompas TV, Instagram (January 9, 2025)
- Use fan with air-con set at higher temperature to stay cool, save energy: Expert at heat forum - The Straits Times (January 10, 2025)
- Degrees of danger: Beating the heat in South-east Asia- The Straits Times (January 10, 2025)
- Forum GHHIN di Singapura: Ungkap Tantangan & Strategi Atasi Risiko Panas Ekstrem - Kompas TV, YouTube (January 10, 2025)
- Global Heat Health Information Network 2025 Digelar di Singapura - Kompas TV, YouTube (January 11, 2025)
- Forum Heat Health Asia Tenggara Bahas Ini - Kompas TV, YouTube (January 12, 2025)
- Traditional medicine has a role to play in treating heat injuries, but more research is needed- The Straits Times (January 13, 2025)
- Early action plans for heat a priority for Red Cross and Red Crescent network - The Straits Times (January 22, 2025)
- 2024 Becomes the Hottest Year on Record: How Prepared is the Indonesian Government to Face Extreme Weather? - Kompas TV (January 26, 2025)
- ดร.เจสัน ลี ผู้เชี่ยวชาญเรื่องสุขภาพกับความร้อน พาไปรู้จักสิ่งที่เรียกว่า Heat Health และผลกระทบกับสุขภาพมนุษย์ - The Momentum, Instagram (January 27, 2025)
- ดร.เจสัน ลี ผู้เชี่ยวชาญเรื่องสุขภาพกับความร้อน พาไปรู้จักสิ่งที่เรียกว่า Heat Health และผลกระทบกับสุขภาพมนุษย์ - The Momentum, TikTok (January 27, 2025)
- ทำความรู้จัก Heat Health กับ ผศ.ดร.จุฑามาศ สุระพงษ์ชัย คณะกายภาพบำบัด มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล - The Momentum, Instagram (January 28, 2025)
- ทำความรู้จัก Heat Health กับ ผศ.ดร.จุฑามาศ สุระพงษ์ชัย คณะกายภาพบำบัด มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล - The Momentum, TikTok (January 28, 2025)
- Life Without Power Spells Daily Misery for Yangon’s Residents - The Irrawady (January 29, 2025)
- Life Without Power Spells Daily Misery for Yangon’s Residents - The Irrawady, Facebook (January 30, 2025)
- Lives under the scorching sun: Outdoor workers racing against climate change - The Leader Magazine (January 30, 2025)
- It’s time to take the heat seriously, experts warn - Inquirer Plus (February 4, 2025)
- Climate Crisis in Laos: Heatwaves Threaten Agriculture and Public Health - The Laotian Times (February 8, 2025)
- Heat Is More Than Just Discomfort: Experts - Cambodianess (February 10, 2025)
Photo Gallery
Session Recordings
Disclaimer: These presentations aim to inspire dialogue and reflection. We appreciate if viewers keep an open and analytical perspective as presentation contents represent the speaker's views and interpretations. We encourage viewers to approach the content critically, referencing reliable sources for comparison and accuracy.
Day 1: Urgency
Opening & Launch Ceremony
Insights: The Global Heat Health Information Network’s Journey & Future Vision
Expert Roundtable: Policy & Action
Community Voices
Keynote: The Urban Heat Challenge
Insights: Future Climate Change Projections for Southeast Asia
Panel Presentation: Urban Heat: Addressing Vulnerabilities & Enhancing Adaptation
Day 2: Impacts and Solutions Day
Keynote: Heat at work: Navigating Occupational Heat Stress
Expert Roundtable: Regional Insights and Action to address Occupational Heat Stress
Panel Presentation: Heat at work: Exertional Heat Stress, Productivity & Performance
Parallel Session 1A: Women & Children
Parallel Session 1B: Older Adults, Chronic Conditions, & Disabilities
Parallel Session 1C: Mental Health, Decision-making, & Learning
Parallel Session 2A: Heat-resilient Cities & Indoor Environments
Parallel Session 2B: Heat-responsive Health Services & Surveillance System
Parallel Session 2C: Risk Communications & Media
Day 3: Strategy Day
Community Voices
Keynote: Extreme Heat Services & Early Warning Systems
Insights: Early Warning: Climate Knowledge and Services for Early Action
Panel Presentation: What does Heat Governance & Heat Action Plans look like for our region
IFRC Side Event: Beat the Heat - Building Heat Resilience through Innovations and Community Engagement
Day 4: Action Day
Keynote: Protecting Communities: Increasing Outreach & Fostering Action for Heat
Panel Presentation: Heat from a Historical, Traditional, & Cultural Lens
Expert Roundtable: Taking a Multi Hazard Emergency Management Approach to Extreme Heat
Panel Presentation: Regional Research Showcase: Capacity Building in and for the Region
Closing Remarks