Webinar on Homelessness and Heat: NIHHIS Overlooked and Overburdened Series

Feb 29, 2024





On February 29th, the National Integrated Health Information System (NIHHIS) will continue its Overlooked and Overburdened Webinar Series, which focuses on populations that are disproportionately at risk of heat illness or death but often overlooked in treatment and resilience strategies. Each session provides a deep background level of understanding on the group and what mechanisms contribute to their heightened risk, as well as solutions to address those mechanisms.


This session of the series will focus on extreme heat and homelessness. Speakers from federal agencies, city groups, and community organizations will discuss topics such as the current state of homelessness in the U.S., reasons people experiencing homelessness are at risk of heat-related illness and death, and strategies communities have used to better support this population during heat events. There will be time for Q&A, and resources will be shared to help address heat risk in these groups.


The event will take place on Thursday, 2/29 from 3:00-4:30 pm EST. An American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter will be available for translation throughout the webinar.