The First Global Forum for Heat and Health took place in Hong Kong, China, from 17-20 December 2018. As the inaugural global forum of the Global Heat Health Information Network, the event featured talks from leading experts and informed a global common agenda on heat and health.
Outcome Documents
- Keynote 1: Facing the Future of a Warming World Kristie Ebi, University of Washington & Lead Author of IPCC SR1.5
- Keynote 2: Making a difference in the context of DRR Virginia Murray, Head of Disaster Risk Reduction at Public Health England
- Heat-related Health Impacts in Subtropical Cities: Global Overview and Research Frontiers in Hong Kong Emily Chan, Director of the Centre for Global Health, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Building Heat Health Management Networks: Partnerships and capacity Julie Arrighi
- Understanding Risk and Predicting Health Outcomes Sari Kovats, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Observations, forecasts, early warnings and information to inform action Hannah Nissan, International Research Institute for Climate and Society
- Actions to manage heat risks - interventions and effectiveness Shubayu Saha, US Center for Disease Control
- Taking Action: Engagement, Outreach, and communications Margaret Harris, Risk Communications Adviser, WHO
- North and East Asia: Luo Ming, Lau Ngar-Cheung, CUHK
- South and South East Asia: Subhash Bhan, India Meteorology Department
- Africa and Middle East: Ousman Ndiaye, ANACIM Senegal Department of Meteorology
- Australia and Pacific: John Nairn, University of Adelaide, State Manager South Australia, Bureau of Meteorology
- North America: Melissa McDonald, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Caribbean and South America: Cedric VanMeerbeck (CIMH) Natalia Herrera, NMS Argentina
- Europe: Andreas Matzarakis, Research Center Human Biometeorology of the German Meteorological Service (DWD)
- North and East Asia: Gloria Chan, CUHK, Asuka Suzuki-Parker, University of Rissho - Japan
- South and South East Asia: Liviu Vedrasco, WHO-Thailand
- Africa, North Africa, Middle East: Rachid Wahabi, Ministry of Health, Morocco
- Australia and Pacific: Leigh Wilson, University of Sydney, Australia
- North America: Juli Trtanj NOAA
- South America and Caribbean: Francisco Chesini, Ministry of Health, Argentina
- Europe: Hans-Guido Mucke German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt/UBA)
- Heat and Health in Thailand, Benjawan Tawatsup, Thailand Ministry of Public Health,
- Heatwave mortality in Summer 2013-14 in Argentina, Francesco Chesini, Ministry of Health and Social Development, Argentina
- Recent Trends in Temperature, Vulnerability and Heat-Attributable Mortality in Europe, Joan Ballester, Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)
- Identifying and Attributing Heat Effects in rural Bangladesh, Peter Kim Streatfield, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
- Impacts of Occupational Heat Strain on Health and Productivity, Andreas Flouris, University of Thessaly, Greece
- Meta-analysis on the efficacy of heat mitigation measures and optimisation of hydration, Jason Lee, National University of Singapore
- Should electric fans be used in a heatwave? Ollie Jay, The University of Sydney
- Personal heat protective measures during the 2017 heatwave in Hong Kong: a telephone survey study, Holly CY Lam, Emily YY Chan, Asta YT Man, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Identifying and engaging with groups vulnerable to heat risk, Ashley Ward, CISA
- Weather & Climate Information for Heat Health Management Systems: Users Perspective, Glenn McGregor, Durham University
- Heat Forecasting: Advancing our Capabilities and Knowing our Limitations, Melissa MacDonald, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
- Heatwave Early Warning System in Argentina, Natalia Herrera, National Meteorological Service, Argentina
- Indian Heat Early Warning System: Observations, Forecasts and Information Products, Subash Bhan, India Meteorological Department
- Providing Heatwave Forecasts in a Region with Low Predictability: A Caribbean Approach, Cedric Van Meerbeeck, Caribbean Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Barbados)
- Governance and Difference: lessons from northern Australia, Elspeth Oppermann, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Japanese Heat Health Warning System, Michihiko Tonouchi, Japan Meteorological Business Support Center
- Catalytic action of the Ahmedabad HHWS: scaling up action across India, Dileep Mavalankar, Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar, India
- Early Warning System in Argentina: the result of a collaborative work, Francisco Chesini, Ministry of Health and Social Development, Argentina
- United States National Heat Health Information System, Hunter Jones, Shubhayu Saha, Juli Trtanj, NOAA and US-CDC
- Working with Family Doctors - Opportunities for global impact, Donald Li, World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA), Hong Kong
- Experience working with community based organizations - opportunities for impact and community capacity building, Julie Arrighi, Red Cross Climate Center
- Virginia Murray on behalf of Emer O'Connell, Interim Head of Extreme Events and Health Protection, Public Health England, Heatwave Plan for England
- Address on forging Partnerships in India to scale up heat related policy (video recording), Sujata Saunik, Indian Administrative Service, India
- New York City’s Response to Summer Heat, Kazuhiko Ito, New York City Department of Health
- Actions to manage heat risk: Cooling centers in Arizona, Dave Hondula, Arizona State University & Maricopa County Department of Public Health
- Reducing the Impact of Heat Waves on Urban Poor: Baseline results from a cluster randomized trial in Karachi, Pakistan, Junaid Razzak, Johns Hopkins
- Prevention of heat-related excess mortality - Intervention, Yasushi Honda, University of Tsukuba
- Heat Hazards to Human Health: Focus on Feasible and Sustainable Solutions, Lars Nybo, HEAT SHIELD
- The Overheating Cities and Adaptions, Ren Chao, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Forecast based financing, Jerome Faucet, Red Cross Vietnam
- Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of heat early warning systems, Tom Kosatsky, Canada: warning system
- Dileep Mavalankar: India: Ahmedabad heat action plan
Reducing Residential Air-Conditioning (AC) Use in the Tropics: Systems Dynamics Scenarios of Climate Sensitive Buildings in Malaysia
Name: David Tan
Institution: German Red Cross & IMHEN
Is heat stress really a human health problem in hot countries? Heat acclimatization and vulnerabilities of people living in the Sahel. The case of Senegal
Name: Richard Lalou
Institution: MERIT / IRD-Université Paris-Descartes
Heat Wave Warnings: Thresholds, Customization, Dissemination and Cooperation in India
Name: Subhash Chander Bhan
Institution: India Meteorological Department, New Delhi
Heatwaves in the Sahel: Comparison of thermal indices and physical processes
Name: Kiswendsida Hyacinthe GUIGMA
Institution: University of Sussex
Development of impact-based forecasting system for heat waves in South Korea, integrated with Limited-area ENsemble prediction System (LENS)
Name: Miloslav Belorid
Institution: NIMS/KMA
Building scale Heat-stress and health impact assessment by land cover based on BioCAS-PT
Name: Ji-Sun LEE
Institution: NIMS/KMA
The Korean Heat-Health Warning System (HHWS) on a national and an urban scale
Name: Changbum CHO
Institution: NIMS/KMA
The Impact of Global Warming on Permafrost-locked Pathogens
Name: V. Anne Burg
Institution: Rollins College
Occupational Exposure to Heat Stress and Hot Environments
Name: Brenda Jacklitsch
Institution: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)/National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH)
A vertical approach to monitoring microclimates of urban street canyons
Name: Paulina PY WONG
Institution: Lingnan University
Urban heat islands in Hong Kong: Statistical modeling and trend detection
Name: Leung Yu Ting
Institution: School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
Heat stress in future Hong Kong
Name: Cheung King Yeung
Institution: City University of Hong Kong
Effects of High Temperature on Existing Allergic Symptoms Among Adu;ts: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Telephone Study
Name: Emily Chan
Institution: CCOUC
Personal Heat Protective Measures During the 2017 Heatwave in Hong Kong: A Telephone Survey Study
Name: Emily Chan
Institution: CCOUC
Opening Statements
Keynote Presentations
Technical Opening
Heat Health Management Networks Partnerships & Capacity
Forging Partnerships in India to Scale up Heat Related Policy
Studies on Heat Health Perceptions and Behaviour
Weather & Climate Information for Heat Health Action
Managing Heat Risk
Communications for Heat Health Action
Heat Health Session Summaries and Forum Closing