Extreme heat is an increasing climate risk for cities and the health of their residents across the world, due to the combination of the urban heat island (UHI) effect and climate change.

Extreme heat is an increasing climate risk for cities and the health of their residents across the world, due to the combination of the urban heat island (UHI) effect and climate change.

This masterclass presents the current state and innovations in urban planning, design and governance for extreme heat, offer insight into the diverse disciplinary perspectives on extreme heat governance, and offer strategies for enhancing community engagement for sustained extreme heat planning efforts.

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Learning Objectives

  • To learn the current state of urban planning practice and research for extreme heat
  • To identify recent examples of urban planning and design innovations for heat health
  • To consider the diverse disciplinary perspectives on local extreme heat governance to improve public health outcomes
  • To select strategies for enhancing and evaluating community engagement related to planning for extreme heat


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A. Innovations in Heat Planning and Research and Practice

B. Innovations in Heat Planning and Research and Practice

Community participation in heat governance