Jeffrey Raven

New York Institute of Technology / RAVEN Architecture & Urban Design, LLC.
Jeffrey Raven, FAIA, LEED BD+C
Assoc. Professor & Director, Graduate Program in Urban + Regional Design at New York Institute of Technology and Principal of RAVEN Architecture + Urban Design LLC. Co-Chair American Institute of Architects Planning & Urban Design Committee
Specialist in sustainable and resilient urban design whose research is applied in professional practice and disseminated throughout the profession, government and allied disciplines to urban design projects and knowledge transfer.
Publications include Urban Planning & Urban Design – Climate Change and Cities (Cambridge University Press 2018); From Climate Science to Practice, Urban Design & Climate Change, (Urban Design Journal-London 2019), Climate Resilient Urban Design, Resilient Cities (Springer 2011); Shaping Resilient Cities in China, India and the United States (P. Lang 2014), Covid19-Climate Connections for Le Monde (2020) and Cool District Hot City La Revue Urbanisme (2020). Funded research: National Science Foundation EU-USA Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative-Belmont and City-As-Lab RCN.