Jerome Faucet

Groupe URD
Senior researcher, evaluator and trainer
Jérôme Faucet is a senior researcher, evaluator and trainer at Groupe URD, with 15 years of experience in the humanitarian sector focusing on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation including 5 years as an Anticipatory Action Specialist.
Groupe URD is an independent think tank that specialises in analysing humanitarian practices, developing policies and accompanying aid actors to improve the quality of their crisis responses. Groupe URD has been a pioneer in exploring the links between climate change and environmental degradation and humanitarian aid, analysing these impacts for over 15 years.
Before joining the Group URD, Jérôme was involved in the design of participatory action research initiatives such as online surveys and Knowledge Attitude Practice (KAP) surveys. He has extensive training experience ( both the development of training material and facilitation), in subjects such as Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments, Hazard Preparedness, Training of Trainers or Contingency Planning. He has played a key role in the coordination of research initiatives in the field of Anticipatory Humanitarian Action and heatwave responses.
Within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, he has led the joint development of the first Early Action Protocol on Heatwaves in urban contexts for vulnerable groups through cooperation with the RCRC Climate Centre, the Vietnam Red Cross and the Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change (IMHEN).
In 2020, he led the co-organisation and co-facilitation of the first RCRC Asia Pacific heatwave regional meeting with the Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub, IFRC APRO Health Unit and the Disaster, Climate and Crisis team. Practical examples from Australia, India, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Japan and Pakistan were showcased on how timely, simple, low-cost and at-scale actions can drastically reduce impacts due to extreme heat.