Mark Siebentritt

Edge Environment

Director, Commercial and Expansion, Edge Environment

I’m Director of Commercial and Expansion at Edge, leading our work to grow our service offering in the Asia Pacific region. I was a co-founder of Seed Consulting Services which merged with Edge in 2019 and I am also a Director of agricultural and NRM data acquisition and analytics firm AirborneLogic.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Honours and a PhD in Environmental Science from the University of Adelaide. I have held various roles on non-profit Boards and Committees and I’m a graduate of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation’s Murray-Darling Basin Leadership Program.

My interest in sustainability took off at a young age, influenced by reading David Suzuki’s various books, growing up on a small farm in the Adelaide Hills and spending time camping on the River Murray.

My specialties are in climate change risk assessment and planning, liveable cities, strategic planning and stakeholder engagement. I have experience from a broad range of sectors including state and local government, agriculture, health, energy and

My favourite projects are the ones that bring together technical, planning and engagement work to address complex sustainability challenges like tackling climate change and creating cool cities. I enjoy being part of having the “hard discussions” that often need to occur to drive sustainability forward in both the corporate and community spheres.

In previous roles I worked as the Operations Manager for a water trading firm and also held several roles at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority related to environmental water management and delivery.

When I’m not working I enjoy spending time with my wife and three children, which tends to involve running around at various weekend sporting events. If I’m lucky I might even get in a run, spot of fishing or catch a game of AFL!