Ousmane Ndiaye
, PhD
ANACIM (Senegal)
Ousmane Ndiaye is the acting director of Senegalese meteorological service at the Agency of Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM). His expertise lies on climate prediction and its application. He has worked many years with partners (NGOs, research, extension services, end-users) on how to deliver climate information services to users from end to end: demand, coproduction, validation, and delivery.
He coordinated the creation of a district level multi-pluri-disciplinary working group (GTP) in Senegal to deliver climate information to farmers and fishermen for their better preparedness. Recently, he has responded to the needs of the health community by working to enhance the national heatwave early warning system and heat risk information.
Dr. Ndiaye received his PhD and MS from the Columbia University. He serves as a national focal point of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and was a contributing author to the 6th IPCC Assessment Report (Working Group I).