Sarah Henderson

BC Centre for Disease Control
Sarah Henderson is the Scientific Director of Environmental Health Services at the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), and the Canadian National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health (NCCEH). She is also an associate professor in the UBC School of Population & Public Health. Sarah holds a BASc in environmental engineering (2000) and a PhD in environmental epidemiology (2009). She did her post-doctoral training in Tasmania, Australia and has been with the BCCDC since 2010.
Sarah oversees a program of applied environmental health research, surveillance, and knowledge translation to support evidence-based policy and practice in BC and across Canada. Her work spans a wide range of topics, including air pollution from all provincially relevant sources (wildfire smoke, residential woodsmoke, industry, road dust, shipping, and vehicles), extreme weather events, radon gas, food safety, water quality, and exposures managed by the Drug and Poison Information Centre (DPIC). All of her research is integrated by core competencies in data science, biostatistics, stakeholder engagement, knowledge translation, and mentorship.