Ambient factors in the workplace

Organization: International Labour Organization (ILO)

Year: 2001

Ambient factors in the workplace

The provisions of this code should be considered as the basis for eliminating or controlling exposure to hazardous airborne chemicals, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, ultraviolet, infra-red and (in some circumstances) visible radiation, electric and magnetic fields, noise, vibration, high and low temperatures and humidity. Notwithstanding the variety of the covered ambient factors, the magnitude of technical aspects that were linked with social policies and economic considerations and the diversity of situations, it was possible to identify some basic overall principles and various options for balancing competing interests, and to determine practical solutions in terms of procedures and allocation of responsibilities. Therefore, this code places emphasis on the role and obligations of competent authorities, the responsibilities of employers and the duties and rights of workers and others with regard to the prevention of illness and injury to health due to hazardous ambient factors in the working environment. It deals, in particular, with the setting up of legal, administrative and practical procedures and frameworks for the assessment of hazards, risks and of control measures, the aims of and mechanisms for identifying and eliminating or controlling the hazard or risk from hazardous ambient factors; the surveillance of workers’ health and of the working environment; and the provision of information and training to workers. Chapters 2 and 3 provide for general obligations, responsibilities, duties and rights and for general principles of prevention and improvement, applicable to all covered hazardous ambient factors at the workplace. Additional and specific requirements regarding assessment, prevention and control, health surveillance, and training and information for specific factors are given in Chapters 4 to 10. Further information on occupational exposure limits is provided in the annex.