ClimApp: Personalized heat and cold stress warning and advice

Organization: Lund University, Sweden

Lead Researchers: Gao Chuansi, Nybo Lars, Toftum Jørn, Daanen Hein

ClimApp is a mobile tool that translates climate service into personalized adaptation strategies to cope with thermal stress including heat and cold stress. ClimApp integrates weather forecast data with human heat balance models, to predict thermal strain experienced by humans. The app works globally in both hot and cold climates, in a temperature range from -50 C to +50 C. The App provides personalized health risk warning and advice for individuals, groups, organizations, public and private sectors, to support decision-making for adaptation strategies, and to improve the quality of life and health when facing thermal climate challenges.

Targeted users: Initial targeted users are outdoor workers, occupational health and safety professionals, caregivers for elderly people and children who are more vulnerable to extreme heat and cold. It can also be used by other sectors/activities such as outdoor and leisure activities, and by the general population.

1. Personalization: The app takes into account personal factors and vulnerability such as age, body mass index (BMI), activity level (determines human body internal heat production), clothing, acclimatization to heat.
2. Users can input their personal information into the app to provide improved predictions of the impact of weather on health.
3. Users can input different personal factors (e.g. work intensity) to obtain different predictions of the impact on health.
4. The weather forecast data are automatically extracted from local weather forecast through GPS.
5. Users can choose different locations, for example for travel planning.
6. The weather data inputs include not only air temperature, but also humidity, wind speed and solar radiation related mean radiant temperature. ClimApp has incorporated more than 10 relevant variables that affect human heat exchange between the body and the environment.
7. Four scientifically established international standards (ISO 7243 (WBGT), ISO 7933 (PHS), ISO 7730 (PMV), ISO 11079 (IREQ)) of human thermal environments are incorporated.
8. It covers outdoor and indoor as well as hot and cold environments.