Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Organization: International Labour Organization (ILO)
Year: 2024

Climate change is already having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers in all regions of the world. Workers are among those most exposed to climate change hazards yet frequently have no choice but to continue working, even if conditions are dangerous. Global occupational safety and health (OSH) protections have struggled to keep up with the evolving risks from climate change, resulting in worker mortality and morbidity. Collaborative efforts are needed to develop and implement effective mitigation and adaptation measures to protect workers across the globe. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has adopted more than 40 standards specifically related to OSH, which provide policy solutions for dealing with the effects of climate change on communities, workers and enterprises. Furthermore, the Guidelines for a Just Transition towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies for All (ILO 2015) can help to promote a safe and healthy working environment by supporting workers and employers throughout the transition to a low-carbon economy