Heat Action Plan 2022 for Odisha

Organization: Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA)

Year: 2022

Heat Action Plan 2022 for Odisha

The Heat Action Plan aims to provide a framework for implementation, coordination and evaluation of response activities in cities/ town to reduce the negative impacts of extreme heat. The primary objective is to spread awareness at places where extreme heat conditions exist or are imminent and alert people at risk of heat related illnesses to take appropriate precautions. The Plan also calls for preparedness measures to protect livestock/ animals as extreme heat causes signifi cant stress to them as well. The Heat Action Plan intends to mobilize diff erent stakeholders like government authorities and communities to help protect their neighbors, friends, relatives, livestock and themselves against preventable health problems during spells of scorching temperatures. The Plan also aims to support early warning agencies as well as the media for timely information dissemination. The administrative and preventive actions that need to be taken by multiple agencies, ministries and departments are enumerated in Table 5. All States/ districts/cities/towns can learn from their/ others’ experiences and develop a plan to tackle Heat Wave situations eff ectively (NDMA Guideline 2019).