Installation and Management of Community Cooling Centres

Author: Tabea Junker, Álvaro Paz Martín, Clara Peter & Thomas Smarczyk

Organization: German Red Cross

Year: 2024

Installation and Management of Community Cooling Centres

Heatwaves have an immense impact on the health and well-being of people around the world, especially in urban centres. Although growing in recognition, their severity often remains overlooked as a hazard or is addressed too late. This manual was developed to support humanitarians, governments and key actors to prepare for extreme heat events with the establishment of community cooling centres to support those most vulnerable.

The community cooling centre manual is intended to assist RCRC National Societies and branches in planning for, setting up and man- aging a community cooling centre during a heatwave. It informs staff and volunteers about how to recognise symptoms of heat exhaustion and manage and care for individuals affected by heatwaves and recommends the necessary first aid (FA) management steps.