Primer for Cool Cities: Reducing excessive urban heat with a focus on passive measures
Organization: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
Year: 2020

Urban cooling solutions can be deployed in the short term to help mitigate the risk of rising urban air
temperatures. This primer and its appendix, Cool City Case Studies: Reducing Urban Heat, provide
practical, actionable guidance and examples for implementers, policy makers, and planners tasked with
mitigating urban heat impacts. The report covers:
- the challenges of rising temperatures for cities, and for urban design more broadly
- actions and solutions that can be deployed at the building, community, and city levels to reduce
excess heat and promote thermal comfort - the benefits of an integrated deployment of urban cooling solutions at scale
- a framework for an inclusive process to develop urban cooling strategies
- the benefits of heat action plans to protect residents from periods of extreme temperatures
- examples, results, and recommendations from urban cooling policies and actions implemented
around the world.